Chimney root RTN

Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
  • Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
  • Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
  • Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
  • Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
  • Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN
  • Chimney roots > Chimney root RTN

Rotating chimney root RTN is designed for supporting the air exhaust in chimneys by generating underpressure. Root’s top part always points the wind direction.


  • rotor and flange made of stainless steel.

Charakterystyka produktu:

  • collar made of galvanized steel;
  • quiet operation - rotor bearings;
  • logistics - each piece in separate box.

Wersja "kogut":

D [mm] ø130 ø150 ø180 ø200 ø250 ø300 ø350
coupling, split
H [mm] 516 576 607 724 822 967 1090
L [mm] 172 179 230 264 305 366 422
with flange
d [mm] 190 210 240 260 310 360 410
H [mm] 438 496 607 724 644 896 1010
L [mm] 172 179 230 264 305 366 422
with base
A [mm] 333 333 333 333 333 390 450
H [mm] 438 496 607 724 644 896 1010
L [mm] 172 179 230 264 305 366 422

Wersja "płetwa":

D [mm] ø130 ø150 ø180 ø200 ø250 ø300 ø350
coupling, split
H [mm] 438 486 579 604 672 787 880
L [mm] 150 173 208 231 263 316 364
with flange
d [mm] 190 210 240 260 310 360 410
H [mm] 350 406 499 524 592 707 800
L [mm] 150 173 208 231 263 316 364
with base
A [mm] 333 333 333 333 333 390 450
H [mm] 350 406 499 524 592 707 800
L [mm] 150 173 208 231 263 316 364


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